
Louwrens a.k.a. The Pengo

Friday, 22 December 2006

In the 80’s i was a drummer in rockabilly bands. Nothing worth mentioning, except for a guy called Louwrens. He is a guitarist and a bass player, but most of all a songwriter. He was 17 when I first met him and I played in bands with him for 10 years or so. Nowadays he lives in Lubjana and has there a band called Eight Bomb.

Louwrens used to write a few songs per week. And not only that, he also recorded them. These recordings were real demos, often made on a portable cassette recorder that did not work properly. Later he sometimes used a two track tape recorder, but I love his earliest demos most.

Especially the ones where he plays all the instruments himself, by making use of two portable cassette recorders and playing along with his own recordings.
Louwrens was careless with his tapes. I think that I saved more of his demos than he did. Still, much is lost. I made a CD with the demos that I like best, including the very first multitrack cassette recording that he gave me.

To do him justice, here is also a song of his recent CD with Eight Bomb.
To be continued!