

Friday, 16 July 2010

Philips has made many advertisement records for many countries. I probably only know a fraction. But the ones i do know are often great. here is one made in 1964 for Spain:

I think the record is both an ad for contest, inviting people to record a song, and a souvenir of an advertisement movie that Philips apparently has made. A “paper musical”!
Here are close ups of the four pictures on the sleeve:

When I tried to find info on this animation movie, i found out the complete movie is on YouTube. It was made by the Joop Geesink Studios! I vaguely remeber having seen this once on an animation festival long time ago, together with other old productions from Joop Geesink. I love this stuff! If anybody knows if there is a DVD of (more of) this, i would love to hear where i can get that.

The two pieces of music on this 45 are from André Popp.
Here is part one:

And here is part two:

Here is another animation from the Joop Geesink Studios, made for an Heineken commercial:

And here is another one made for Philips:



2010-07-17 13:52:12

Goeie vondst! Wat een ontzettend mooi filmpje is dat.