Monday, 8 November 2010
When ever i sit behind the computer, i turn on FaceBook. Usually i don;t post much, but i do love to watch what my FaceBook friends post.
I try to understand how it works. Why would i want to post anything? It is always an attempt to show off, to get compliments, or at least to draw attention. Of course, there is also a genuine wish to share enthousiasm, but in my case that is only a minor ingredient of my desire to publish on FaceBook.
Recently i have been thinking of using FaceBook as a publication medium. Strange as it may sound, this is not done much, if at all. Most people seem to post only stuff that they have made for other purposes and for other media. That is nice, because so you can have your friends see it too, but it is not what i want. Why not make stuff especially for FaceBook?
A few days ago i read in the newspaper that the court had decided that makers of Cathy were violating a copyright law, and that Cathy looked too much like Nijntje. I don’t want to comment on this, it is none of my business, but it did inspire me to make some cartoons, that i posted on FaceBook:
I had to force myself to stop making more of these drawings, but i could not resist making a Nijntje alphabet:
2010-11-09 16:53:37
Zoiets hoopte ik al. Merci, Blauwe Hein!
2010-11-09 23:16:13
Ja, inderdaad, de Kuifje is wederom de beste. Net als bij je Yin en Yang tekeningen.
Blauwe Hein
2010-11-09 11:51:00
Prima gelukt, Kuifje is geweldig. Jouw tekeningen vallen onder ‘parodie’, en daar kan Bruna niets tegen doen: De zaak tegen de Nijntjekloon Mufti had Bruna eerder verloren: