

Monday, 29 November 2010

The kind of blogging that interests me has reached an end. Almost very subject has been covered, almost every record has been posted. This is not true, of course, because there is always much more than anybody can imagine, but it is true enough. The blogs that are meant to unearth stuff will always continue to excist, but they will be used more and more as archives, not as something that people like to read every day, hoping to find something spectacular.
I have no plans to stop my daily blog, but i do think a lot about what to do with it. In the meanwhile my blog is a bit without direction. I don’t mind that, but i think that some readers will. Sorry for you!
One of the things that i should publish more off is stuff from my Dutch advertisement record collection. There seems to be nobody else doing it, i feel somewhat obliged to do it. But how? I would be bored to death if i had to write about Dutch advertisement records every day. I would prefer to make CD’s with a booklet every month, but who is going to but these?
Here is a flexi record that was written by Jack Bulterman and sung by Han Grevelt for the Produktschap voor Vis en Visprodukten, i guess in the early seventies:

I am still finding new material on the subject. Here is an advertisement in Katholieke Illustratie (Juni 1962, #26) for a Piggelmee record made by Van Nelle:

There must be hundreds of ads for advertisement records in magazines that i have never seen yet. I think that it would be great to collect these. That alone is enough for one lifetime!



2010-11-27 18:39:38

Thanks to Harrie Berkhout for finding this ad and giving it to me!


2010-12-01 14:08:39

Ik zal op mijn blog ook weer eens beginnen met reclameplaatjes te plaatsen. De kans lijkt me klein, maar wie weet zitten er dingen tussen die jij nog niet hebt (behandeld).