

Friday, 20 April 2007

I write this Soundtrack for my own site but I also put it up my MySpace page.
It took me quite some time to figure out how to create this page and it is still far from how I wish it would be. But apart from my lack of digital skills, I have no idea what MySpace is about. And today I thought: let’s ask it.
What I do on MySpace, apart from publishing this blog, is just typing in key words and reading and listening whatever I find.
I surf from one page to the next, clicking on whatever I like. But many of the pages are dead or totally uninteresting. And the same goes for most of the groups that I find: it doesn’t seem to me like the thriving community as it the media depicts it. I have the idea that I am missing something, I must be doing something wrong. If anybody can help me showing where and what things are happening on MySpace, I would be very thankfull.
I also don’t understand the concept of MySpace friends. I got a few requests of people, who said they want to become my friend, but what for? I am not trying to be funny here, I really don’t understand it. I see that some people on MySpace have long lists of friends, but when I click on these friends pictures I end up in dead spaces, where nothing is happening and/or where nobody lives. I have asked some of my real life friends what their experiences are with MySpace. And either they are not doing anything on MySpace or they have the same experiences as I have.
I can’t help thinking that MySpace is highly overrated by the people that don’t use it.
I know from a few flirts with Internet forums that forums are for a large part also a load of crap, used by people with nothing to say. Actually, the whole Internet is very much like the real world, as could be expected. Maybe I am naïve, but I don’t like it when people are selling dead air for nutrition. So, if you know where is the party and if you care to show me, please do.
Today I clicked my arm sore on MySpace, looking for new psychobilly bands. I did find some, but none of it worth buying a CD. I did download some nice artwork, which I use to lighten up this rather grumpy story. And for the music: here is an old school psychobilly track that really rocks. It is a live recording of B.B. King’s Dynamite by Batmobile.



2007-04-22 07:36:01

For me MySpace is an essential networking tool. Most of the band I release on my label WM Recordings contact me on MySpace first, or direct me to their MySpace page to listen to their music. Besides that I got in touch with some old internet-contacts again through MySpace. Despite the crappy design and the many bugs it’s a wonderful place to be!