Pieter Dorrenboom (part 2)
Tuesday, 24 April 2007
I liked the first LP by the Dutch rockabilly band Batmobile very much. Not only the music, but also the cover. In those days I worked as an editor for a comic zine and I hoped that the artist would like to work for that zine. I wrote a letter to the record label and so I got to know Pieter Dorrenboom.
He didn’t do much for the comic zine (all I can remember is a portrait of Ian Curtis), but we stayed in contact ever since and we worked on several projects together. Like a series of comic stories about our record collections, Single Mania. There are over 30 episodes made, but we have not found a publisher yet. So if you are interested in publishing this material, send me a mail.
Pieter did almost all of the artwork for Batmobile. But he also did ton loads of illustrations for other Dutch bands, magazines, festivals, newspapers, etcetera.
I try to collect as much as possible, and one day I will post all of it on my website if Pieter doesn’t come up with a website of his own soon. (And i mean it, Pieter, so you better hurry up!)
Until that day, I will try to show some of it in this Soundtrack. Of course there is a story behind every illustration, but I will spare you that.
Of course Pieter also did the artwork for the Tribute to Batmobile CD’s (of which there are two, but I could only find volume 1. I guess I have lend the other CD to somebody who forgot to bring it back. If you happen to recognize yourself here, please bring the CD back!)
I like these CD’s, because some of the tributes are funny. The bands come from all over the world (Russia, Hungary, Japan, Ukraine, etc.) and the covers are very well done. So well done that I began wondering how many of the songs were actually played by the guys from Batmobile themselves.
First I thought they did only two three songs, but the more I listened to the CD’s, the more I began to suspect that did, if not all of the songs themselves, than at least three out of four. What a brilliant idea, to record your own tribute CD’s!
Here is Batmobile as Snakelips, with a version of Magic word called love.
2008-11-17 03:16:14
Thanks for the reaction, Feedee. I will tell Pieter!
2009-01-22 14:13:43
Snakelips was a band from Holland also named as TenGold that time.
Later call them self Superbird.
Now the singer Hoving play with 69’ers.
2008-11-16 16:16:58
Noo that Ian Curtis’ portait is something trascendental!! It makes me feel a mix of outrage, sadness and don’t know what else, but is so funny aha, so sweet! por Ian though :( greetings from Italy!! (btw, good choice deciding to write in english!)