
Old mail (Part 1)

Friday, 24 August 2007

Today I did another doomed-to-fail effort to clean up my mail box. In the past two years I two times lost all my mail because my computers crashed, and I never missed one single mail, but that does not mean I can now easily throw mail away. In fact, I opened up a Gmail account this year to be sure I can never loose my mail again from now on. But I find it difficult to organise my mail. I am pretty good at organising 3D stuff, although certain persons in our household may have a different opinion on that, but when it comes to digital data I have difficulties keeping oversight. Maybe the two extra 250 gigabyte hard disks are a bit too much for my brains. Anyway! I just cleaned up my mailbox and here is some stuff I want to share with you.
Here you can find some very nice midi tunes made by the late great Gary Allen. Ruud Hulleman sent me the link. I am always amazed how little bits you need for a midi file. Most midi files are under 20kb! On my previous computer I had a large collection of that stuff, and I wanted to make a series of greatest hits on floppy’s with some cool covers, if you still remember what that were. They have space for 2MB, which means you can store about 100 midi songs on one floppy. I had some real nice television tunes and other surprises, which I wanted to release as a floppy bootleg. I could find most of it again if I tried, I guess, but I have not tried it yet. Some great ideas like these are best left great ideas.

After the story I wrote about Roel Smit and his band Human Alert, he send me two drawings. They were too late for the story, but I want to share them with you anyway.
Roel told me he was thinking about making a book with some of his best work. That would be a great idea, because he has made an awful lot of great drawings, but almost all were published in places that you could not even find if you were a detective.

Erk Willemsen sent me a list of some his favourite stuff of last year, and although 12 months seem like 12 years nowadays, I want to share this with you anyway.
Album: Ojos de Brujo – Techari.

Liedje: Ayo – Down on My Knees.

Concert: Ojos de Brujo – Noorderslag januari 2006.

To be continued!
