Tuesday, 20 October 2009
I have two LP’s and one EP by Jossy & Jacques Halland: two Jiddish artists who had a little cabaret in Amsterdam from the mid-fifties to the early eighties. I knew almost nothing about these people and their cabaret, although I have these records for decades. Because I wanted to write something about them in my column for “Z”, I did a little Google search last night.
I didn’t find much, but enough to keep my searching for more. In 1989 Pegasus published a book about Jossy &Jacques Halland and their Li La Lo cabaret, written by Dick Walda and Will Boezeman. Usually I don’t like it when I end up on links to sell sites when I search for information, but in this case it came out quite handy.
The best Google find was a site where an 1963 interview can be heard, and some great songs too.
I have an interest in the strange Jewish believes about the Tora. That is not a subject for here and now, but I will sure come back to this one day later. I also like to hear Jiddish: so many Jiddish words have become integrated in Amsterdam slang! Just to hear these words being pronounced by somebody who can do it good, makes my day.
The EP is released in 196? on Pegafoon (Amsterdam), with four songs on it and with a beautiful fold out sleeve. The LP’s are released in 1969 by Schuster records (Germany). They contain over 25 songs, mainly in Jiddish, and both LP’s have extremely ugly sleeves. But here is a song from the first LP, about the Waterlooplein, sung in Dutch.
Tom Dane
2010-05-19 14:18:18
About thirty years ago I heard on the radio an interview with two dutch veriety artists. They told at length about their life and work as artists which was remarkable and interesting although I heard only a part of it. Then in the fall or winter of 1982 by a stroke of mysterious coincidence I found on the Maaskade in Rotterdam an old brown suitcase with the names and text :“Jossy en Josino
artiesten bagage” in white letters painted on it.This was the second time these names crossed my path.Recently I discovered newspaper clippings in which performances are announced either for Josino or for Jossy and Josino (may1944) One gig turns out to have been in a cafe that was located on the adres where I live now( then number 12, now number 32)This is the third time. I would want to try to establish if my wartime jossie and josino are indeed Mrs jossy Halland and Mr. Jaques Halland and solve at least some of the enduring mystery of this suitcase.
Tom Dane
2010-05-19 14:21:07
About thirty years ago I heard on the radio an interview with two dutch veriety artists. They told at length about their life and work as artists which was remarkable and interesting although I heard only a part of it. Then in the fall or winter of 1982 by a stroke of mysterious coincidence I found on the Maaskade in Rotterdam an old brown suitcase with the names and text :“Jossy en Josino
artiesten bagage” in white letters painted on it.This was the second time these names crossed my path.Recently I discovered newspaper clippings in which performances are announced either for Josino or for Jossy and Josino (may1944) One gig turns out to have been in a cafe that was located on the adres where I live now( then number 12, now number 32)This is the third time. I would want to try to establish if my wartime jossie and josino are indeed Mrs jossy Halland and Mr. Jaques Halland and solve at least some of the enduring mystery of this suitcase.
Hans Eksteen
2015-04-13 11:02:52
I’m researching the life of Mr & Mrs Halland. Please let us know more about that suitcase. Please contact me on my email address.
Best regards,
Tom Dane
2016-08-20 18:32:59
Dear sir,
are you still interested in the suitcase with the names jossy and josino on it then I would like to give it to you (for free) Please contact me via e-mail so that we can arrange to meet so stat I can hand it to you when you are stil interested
kind regards Tom Dane.
Hans Eksteen
2018-02-06 10:47:21
Dear Mr Dane,
Thank you so very much for your reaction on my request about the suitcase.
I do apologize not having answered earlier, but we were stuck in research for a while..
Now we found a new angle and would love to accept your offer.
I’m coming to the USA real soon.. where are you based?
Can we come back in contact please?
Kind regards,
Hans Eksteen
Judith Thissen
2018-03-09 11:57:23
Jossy and Josino are different people. They were from Rotterdam. He had an accordion act and she later joined him. The couple died on tour in Indonesia in an airplane crash in 1947.
Joost Dane
2018-03-28 11:46:50
Dear Mr Eksteen,
My brother, Tom Dane, passed away a year ago. We still have the suitcse, if you are still interested. It’s in Rotterdam, so no need to travel all the way to the US.
Joost Danehans eksteen
2018-03-29 15:54:31
Beste mijnheer Dane,
Gecondoleerd met het verlies van uw broer. Wat aardig dat u de moeite heeft genomen om te reageren op mijn verzoek. Via een andere reactie heb ik inmiddels begrepen dat de koffer heeft toebehoord aan Jossy & Josino. Wij zijn op zoek naar gegevens van en over Jossy & Jacques Halland, die een Jiddish cabaret hadden in Amsterdam. Jossy & Josino kwamen uit Rotterdam en hadden een accordeon act. Hoe graag had ik gewild dat de koffer van Jossy en Jacques Halland was geweest. Nogmaals heel erg bedankt voor uw reactie.
Hartelijke groet,
Hans Eksteen
Joost Dane
2018-04-02 19:50:34
Beste Hans,
Geen probleem. We gaan kijken, of Museum Rotterdam belangstelling heeft. Succes met uw project.
met vriendelijke groet,
Joost Dane
Judith Thissen
2018-04-03 08:56:17
Beste Joost,
Ik hoop dat Museum Rotterdam belangstelling heeft. Er is een mooi verhaal rondom deze koffer te vertellen. Anders misschien iets voor het Verhalenhuis. Ik denk dat zij het een geweldige vondst vinden.
Vriendelijke groet
Judith Thissen
Marieke Rodenburg
2018-05-07 15:43:13
Dear all, thank you Joost to continue this website and am really sorry to hear about your brother. I am a colleaque of Hans (above in the conversation) in researching the story of Jossy and Jacques Halland, but this is such a curious story! I totally agree with Judith Thissen,hoping the suitcase has found its way to the museum. As an historian and filmmaker I would be thrilled to see it though. But now I find it on a sold article on Markplaats, is that right? thanks for sending me still some more information, all the best,hartelijke groet, Marieke
Joost Dane
2018-05-07 19:28:13
Yes, my sister and I thought of selling it at first. Someone actually bid, but then didn’t react. So the suitcase is still in our possesion. We’re not selling it. Because of the, as you say, curious story and the link to my brother’s life and the way he found it, already so long ago and his fascination with it and his search for the background of it. I’ve been in contact with people from the “verhalenhuis”, who may want to use it in a story around Jossy and Josino. I promised to hold on to the suitcase, might they decide on using it.
Regards, Joost.Markus Gehling
2024-08-28 18:26:59
Beste Hans Eksteen,
Wat is er van uw onderzoek geworden? Ik heb wat informatie verzameld over de familie van Jacques Halland, vooral over zijn moeder en grootouders.
En ik kwam hem daarbij pas tegen.
Ik kende zijn muziek, maar wist niet dat zijn moeder uit Wesel kwam. En daar ook begraven ligt.
Misschien kun je me schrijven.
Hartelijke groeten!
Markus Gehling
2009-10-23 04:23:36
My father used to work in the lilalo cabaret behind the bar. I can’t remember him telling me any detail. He did mention he and the other peronel had little supporting parts and joined the artists in the songs.