
The Black Knights

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Dirk Koorn is beginning to become a house hold name for the readers of this blog. Dirk and I trade music since a year now, but the stuff I get from him is getting better with every package. Last night he gave me this 45:
As you know I am a dedicated collector of Dutch advertisement records. And this sleeveless 45 happens to be a pretty rare record in this genre. It is not really an advertisement record, but a give-away for people that subscribed to a dance course at Studio Griffioen in 1963. I have no idea how many records were made, but based on the fact that I have never seen a copy, I reckon that it was a very limited release.
One of the songs is featured on Beat Express (volume 3), a series of 10 inch LP’s with rare Dutch beat records. On a very nice site, that offers liner notes to all kind of compilations, I found this information on Dirk’s gift:
“In the sixties many dance schools used more or less popular bands to increase the fame of their own business. The Black Knights from Heemstede were very honored with Dansstudio Griffioen’s invitation to cut a record. Sponsored by the Dansstudio, lead guitarist Peter Opdam, bassplayer Louis Kloes, lead guitarist Stan Erbrink and drummer Co Erbrink recorded a Shadows-like instrumental, coupled with a spicy beat song. Peter Opdam wrote both tracks.”
And here I found a picture of The Black Knights. I wonder if there is a site that keeps track of all these sites that make lists of all kind of information on Dutch bands and records. Every now and then I stumble upon one, and realise how much effort and knowledge there is. But it is all very fragmented and I find it hard to gain oversight.
Rare doesn’t necessarily mean exciting. The both songs on this 45 would never be mentioned in this blog if the 45 wasn’t a (sort of) Dutch advertisement record. But judge for yourself: here are The Black Knights with Little girl.


Niels Kloes

2012-12-09 20:10:40


If I recall right around 500 were made. Well, that’s what my dad, Louis Kloes, told me. I can look it up in his scrap book.
