
Drew Mayson

Sunday, 25 May 2008

Mark Reeve send me a copy of CD made by Drew Mayson, called ”Alien Lifeform”. There is also letter by Drew Mayson included:
”Hi! I’m Drew Mayson. This album was recorded from 10th Oct to 22nd 2002. It was recorded in its entirety by me at home on my I-Mac, including all the writing, playing, programming, keyboards, vocals and lyrics. My knowledge of aliens was gained through my close friends Jamie Leonarder and Aspercia.
I love playing guitar, and will be performing some of these songs live, with my new band in 2003. I also play guitar in the Mu Mesons. Come on Somebody, please sign me to a label. I’m a songwriting machine. My phone number is 02-95731455 Sydney.
Hope you enjoy listening! Love some feedback.
Most music collectors like you and I get a lot of demo’s. Most of them are not very good. But I like the CD that Drew made! While listening to it I made a cover, and if you like this song, you can anways ask for more.



Anthony Drew Mayson

2008-05-27 04:41:30

I really appreciate the fact that you dug up an early yet I must admit ,well recorded song of mine!I dig the cover too.Since 2002 I have recorded many far superior albums.I will mail you some if you would like.I dig “showcase”-email me,Drew!

Anthony Drew Mayson

2008-05-27 04:43:46



2014-10-23 05:19:06

Where can I contact Drew?