
Site seeing

Saturday, 24 May 2008

I try not to bother you too much with links to other music blogs, but there are exceptions to this rule,of course. Today I want to share with you three such exceptions.
First Cut is a beautiful site, where record collectors can send in there stories about the record that opened up their ears. One guy tells how he bought a James Brown record for his girl friend, that she asked for. He was into hard rock and never cared for soul music. But for some reason he played the LP at home and was completely blown away. He listened to it all night, and the next day he had his long hair cut off and bought a new outfit. When he showed up on the doorstep of his girlfriend, she disliked his new looks so much, that she didn’t want to see him no more. “I was not sad at all. In fact I was most of all happy that I could keep the James Brown record”.
Vinyl Confessions is a site where people tell what records they secretly love to listen too. I am fascinated by this phenomenon, because I don’t understand it. Why should anyone be secret about what he likes to listen to? I wish all those Beatles fans were a bit more secretive about their favourite music. And I guess that many Beatles fans secretly listen to ABBA and Bruce Springsteen. To be honest, I found most of the confessions on this site not very spectacular, but the idea is great. Knowing what music some of the readers of this blog secretly love, it would be great if they did a coming out on this site.
Vinyl Karma is one of my favourite sites ever. It is a collection of stories of the most unbelievable record finds ever. If I had not done a few of such miraculous finds myself, I would not believe half of the stories on this site. And there are a lot of them! If you plan to visit this site, be sure you have nothing else to do for the next few hours.
One the most incredible record-find-stories that I ever came across (and I have nor gone through half of what is on this site!) is about a guy who wanted to buy ten copies of an LP that he despised most: Saturday Night Fever, to decorate a wall. In the first second hand record store he finds a copy and notices that there is a lot of money in the sleeve. He buys the LP (for 50 dollar cents) and counts the money just around the corner: 3500 dollar!
Here is the soundtrack to this story!




2008-05-25 15:36:03

“Firefox kan de server op niet vinden.”

Met vinylkarma in google te typen kwam ik weer op jouw pagina terecht


2008-05-25 15:36:28

“Firefox kan de server op niet vinden.”

Met vinylkarma in google te typen kwam ik weer op jouw pagina terecht


2008-05-25 15:36:38

“Firefox kan de server op niet vinden.”

Met vinylkarma in google te typen kwam ik weer op jouw pagina terecht


2008-05-25 15:37:57

Oh bij vinyl confessions gebeurt hetzelfde ….