

Saturday, 27 September 2008

Of all the music released on Dutch advertisement record labels in the 60’s, the Roltone label reaches the bottom limit. Roltone was a label created by Turkstra, a producer of bakery products. There were eight records made, all in the same sleeve:

The records are one-sided yellow flexi records in a unique shape:
The yellow plastic is folded around a piece of cardboard, to keep it flat enough. This is important, because square records, and even more these eight cornered records, can easily destroy your needle, as I found out.
One this piece of cardboard is all the information that I have about these Roltone records:
Apart from the eight regular releases there is also a special record, that was only meant for the bakeries, where the Roltone records were sold or given away.
There is no music on this special record, but here it is anyway:

The songs on the records are cover versions by anonymous artists, and you cab trust me when I say that it is all far beyond your interest. But here is one song that I want to share with you:

Not only because the (Dutch?) singer does some pretty exotic scatting, but also because I happened to have a test pressing of the same song. That is on a transparent round piece plastic, that came in a plastic bag with about two hundred other of such records. But that is a whole different story, that I will gladly tell another time.
