
Johnny The Selfkicker

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Last week I bought this book from 1966:

It was compiled and edited by Simon Vinkenoog and contains 356 pages with stories and pictures of Het Magies Sentrum, I had never seen or heard of this book, but it is great stuff. The idea to make CD (+book) with a soundtrack to this place (Amsterdam) and time (mid-sixties) has moved a bit to the background of my mind, but it is not forgotten.
Here is a story by Johnny van Doorn aka Johnny The Selfkicker about a rather weird adventure he had with Robert Jasper Grootveld:

I remember that long time ago I saw a record by Johnny the Selfkicker in a record shop. It was way beyond my budget, but I wish I had bought it anyway, because I never saw the record again. If anybody happens to have a recording, please let me know.
Here is Johnny is his later years:



More on this side about this subject:
Hans Wesseling
Anton Heyboer
Robert Jasper Grootveld
Nicolaas Kroese
Bart Hughes
If it ain’t Dutch, it ain’t much
Magies sentrum 1
Magies Sentrum 2
Bart Hughes 2
Theo Kley
Peter J. Muller
Adjeef the poet


Ed. Veenstra

2009-09-17 17:02:19

Ik stuur je wel tapes van beide Johnny The Selfkicker LP’s: “Eureka! Het Ei van Columbus” en “Oorlog en Pap”.


2009-09-18 16:13:42

How cool to find that book! I went to school with Johnny’s son, Sindbad.