Dirk was here
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
Dirk Koorn came by and told of a plan that we might do together. It has to do with sugar and comics and i think it is a brilliant idea. More about this later!
As always, Dirk brought some records along. Two picture discs and and compilation with live tracks of Brittish rockabilly bands:
I put some of the music from these lp’s in a podcast that i am planning to make real soon.
I once had the rockabilly lp; i liked it so much that i went to see the Flying Saucers when they played at the Melkweg, long time ago. Even though i never liked this teddyboy scene, the band was great. I have never seen Crazy Cavan & the Rhythm Rockers, but i have seen some video’s on YouTube that make me wish i had. Especially the early shows in the late seventies seem to have been cool. Here is a video from 1979:
Last night i made some other coffee coloured drawings that i really enjoyed. In fact i almost feel asleep, but didn’t want to go to bed before they were finished:
2011-01-06 17:10:08
Deze zijn weer erg mooi.Ik kreeg er een beetje Vloek van Woestewolf associaties bij.
2011-01-08 01:10:21
en ik prakkeseer me suf over wat het muzikale equivalent van ouwe koffie zou kunnen zijn.
2011-01-08 11:51:11
Als die er is, hoor ik het graag. Maar je hoort je leven makkelijker te maken, Jan, niet ingewikkelder!
2011-01-08 15:03:35
mee eens hoor, maar ik heb die onbedwingbare drang om iets nieuws te bedenken, iets waar nog nooit iemand eerder op is gekomen, of waar ìk in ieder geval nog nooit eerder op ben gekomen…
2011-01-05 23:49:29
He die Gene Vincent LP had ik ook vroeger! Was ik heeeel trots op, maar ja verkocht op ebay.
Maar je gebruikte koffie en viel toch bijna in slaap!?