Hans Engelman (part 2)
Tuesday, 11 December 2007
I promised to show some of the landscapes that Hans Engelman has painted, but while trying to make a selection from the map with pictures that Ans Lievense gave me, I changed my mind. I like the paintings of models much better.
I have not much more to tell about the artwork of Hans Engelman than I already did. I mean, I could tell you what I think of his work, when he was born, what other people think of his work, etcetera, but I would not be interested in such information if I found it on your blog, so I will not do that.
I did an extensive Google search on Hans Engelman, and it is interesting to compare the information that I read on the Net, with the stories that his wife told me. Lives of people are too easily reduced to a few lines, and often these lines are far from the truth.
I know this best of all from my own experience, of course. When I google my own name I find mostly links to a series of comic books that I did with Eric Heuvel. Apart from the fact that this is just one of the projects I did in my life, it is not at all what my life is about. I have a family, I am trying to make a living as a house painter and I have all the difficulties that other people have too: sickness, depressions, frustrations, unanswered questions, etcetera. To read that “Frits Jonker worked for four years on these comic books” is great humour. In those four years so many other things happened that I can now barely imagine that I also wrote four comic books. I just want to say: for me the making of these books was for 90% a struggle with the people that had something to say in the project, and of course with myself. Ever tried to write a book while your wife is sick and your two children need to be taken care of? And I am not overdoing: the truth was far more complex. And I don’t won’t to go into personal details, because the biggest problem was my lack of writing skills, and I don’t want to make myself look better than I am. But I read a few things on the Net about Hans Engelman that made me think of this. This guy had a family too, he poured more love in his paintings than most people give to their partner, and then to have the guts to do such a person off as an incompetent sucker in one line in an article… YUCK FOU!
I love the Internet and all the possibilities of modern technology, let there be no doubt about that. But it is sad to see how some people abuse it. But I better end this rave here, because I don’t want to write about all this. Let’s play some uplifting music!
Here is a track that I heard in a radioshow of Funky16Corners. I burn these shows on CD and played them a lot for the past few days. All the shows are great, but this track makes me want to hit the repeat button all the time.
Patricia Gillissen
2015-12-16 03:21:52
:-) Ik ben in jouw huis een tijd wekelijks model geweest voor Hans in de jaren ´90 en ook voor zijn clubje op de 2e nassau. Heb er fijne herinneringen aan, ook al was ie een brompot. Hij hield niet van koetjes en kalfjes. Door hem kwamen ook Appel en zijn buurman Willink enz. voor mij tot leven, een plukje geschiedenis. En kippenvel als we samen zagen: ´wow, vandaag heeft echt een mooie aquarel opgeleverd!´ Ik voelde me heel relaxed bij hem en consorten. En Ans is ook een fijn mens. Dus ´good vibes´ in je woning, hoor!
fred van der wal
2015-02-21 10:46:05
Interessant weblog. Ik heb hans meegemaakt van 1972-1979 in het atelier complex Tweede Nassaustraat 8. Ik was niet zo gecharmeerd van zijn werk en persoonlijkheid.