
Chocolate records Part 2

Thursday, 27 March 2008

Kwatta Wals



2008-03-27 12:14:20

sometime in the early 80ties I remember they showed a chocolate record in Toppop (might also have been another pop program) and I think it was Popmuzik by M. The Valse D’Or probably refers to Cote D’or chocolate.


2008-03-27 13:16:08

Hello John! That “Valse d’Or” has to do with “Cote d’Or” seems logical. Then it is an advertisement record! Still, i think it is a lame tune.

Christopher Paul Dobbs

2019-11-03 01:06:43

I have the sleeves for 2 more different chocolate records. One is “Eddie Calvert plays latin american” If they were not meant to be played and just eaten, then why would they bother to list the title of the tracks?