
Exotic soul

Sunday, 13 May 2007

Today I made another CDr of some of my exotic soul records. This is dear genre to me. There is not much re-released of this music, if there are any CD’s released at all. Even on the Internet I rarely find soul music from Surinam, The Antilles, Gyana, Barbados and all the other exotic countries, where in the 60s and 70’s many beautiful soul singles were produced. ( Here is an interesting article with some music.)
I disovered the exotic soul music through the Surinam deejays that live in Holland. They played these records on parties and on pirate radio stations. And sometimes I bought their records in second hand record stores. What I like about it is difficult to describe, even if I could do it in my own language.
Het is de aantrekkelijke combinatie van talent en naïviteit. Dat is een zeer moeilijk bewoonbaar eilandje, omdat artiesten de neiging hebben om die naïviteit te verliezen. Wat overblijft is dan voor mijn oren niet voldoende om mijn hart te raken. Ik hoor liever iemand met hart en ziel uit de bocht vliegen dan iemand die keurig op zijn zelf bedachte bestemming aankomt, maar mij onderweg is kwijt geraakt. (I said that soul is usually the very thing that drives a beginning artist, but it is the same soul that often gets lost when an artist looses his naivity.)
Most of the records that I have are scratchy. They usually don’t have sleeves and I have little or no information the artists. But if you don’t mind that, try this.
And for those who just want to hear some background music while reading this blog, here is a song by T.G. Fury, Love me.
