
De Lever's Zeep maatschappij

Friday, 13 February 2009

Today I got another plastic bag full of records form Dirk Koorn. It are mainly Dutch reli records, but there were also some other great treasures in the bag. Like this 78rpm advertisement record:

Na regen…

…komt zonneschijn

It is made by De Lever’s Zeep Maatschappij. At least, that is what the label says; I have never seen or heard this record before. When I did a Google search, I found a site, where you can hear the record and where I read that the artists are Duo Hoffman. But I don’t understand this site: there are no buttons! When I cut off the second part of the URL I ended up here, where I could download some interesting tunes. Especially ”Nederland commissieland” and ”Hannes in de kettinghandel”. There are no names of the artists to be found, but I am sure that I can find these later.
I don’t really collect 78rpm advertisement records, but I gladly add one to my collection when somebody gives them to me in a plastic bag. So, Dirk, I owe you a beer! Or a cappuccino.
(And for the die hards, here
is a link to some info on the Duo Hoffman.)
