
Lost Lovers

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

I have said it before: I would never plug any music of my friends in this blog. Most of them play in shitty rockabilly or soul bands and are way too old for a hip blog like this is anyway. But I just got a mail from Tonio van Vugt, who is the lead singer in The Lost Lovers. They have a page on MySpace where you can hear some of their songs, including the brilliant ”Vox populi”, that I already mentioned in this blog about a year ago. But they have posted some new stuff, and so I just took a listen. Man! What a great songs! And what can this guy sing! I really don’t understand why The Lost Lovers aren’t bigger than they are. But hey, I don’t understand anything of the Life on this planet, so maybe that is a stupid question.
Here are The Lost Lovers with ”When loves comes apart”:

For more songs by these guys, go here !



2009-02-11 11:15:44

For you and all those looking for the meaning of life, the universe and everything here’s the answer:


2009-02-11 12:11:45

For you and all those looking for the meaning of life, the universe and everything here’s the answer: