

Monday, 2 February 2009

Waa wrote a comment to the story about the Vierdaagse flexi record. First he wrote that he found a site where somebody shows the same record and says this about it:
“Die foto dateert uit 1962.Terwijl wij de Vierdaagse liepen, sloot zich op een gegeven moment een knap meisje bij ons aan. Ze kwam naast me lopen. Later bleek dat dit Ria Lodders was, die dat jaar tot Miss Holland was gekroond en het zelfs Miss World schopte. Enkele jaren later trouwde ze met de Amerikaanse twistkoning Chubby Checker. Het plaatje is opgenomen door The Hi Five en gaat over Mooie Marian, die wordt opgeroepen om mee te gaan lopen met de Vierdaagse.”
But after he wrote this, Waa discovers that the two records are not identical:

”Wait a second. It’s not the same picture. I guess you could your custom photo printed on each flexi. So each copy has a different picture. But it is the same recording.”

This would make the whole subject extremely interesting, at least for people like me, who get excited over these paper flexi records. Were there really companies that made records of custom pictures? And if so, what were the prices, how many did they make, and most of all, where on earth are all these records?!?
This is the first time I hear of this technique, and it is the first time I see two photo-records with the same music but with slight different photo’s. Great work, mr Waa!
Here is another Dutch paper picture flexi record from my collection:

It is not complete: somebody cut off a few centimetres of both the left and the right side, so that it could more easily be placed on a record player. In the groove is a song by Frans Poptie:

I also have the same recording on a transparent round flexi record with no information on it:

Often the music on the souvenir flexi records is not very interesting, but this song by Frans Poptie is pretty good. And as far as I know, it was never released on a ordinary record.
Records like these make mean far more to me than all the so called collectors items. These flexi/advertisement/souvenir records have no money value, so people never cared much about this stuff. I am afraid that 90% has been thrown away!



2009-02-03 13:09:17

Caution: maybe I was jumping to conclusions. I think it’s the ‘fabricage van geluidsfoto’s’ on your copy which made me guess they might be one-offs. But I might be oh-so-very wrong…