
Shad (part 4)

Sunday, 28 February 2010

My love installed my new computer today. There are still some things that need to be done, but almost everything is functioning again. But because i had no access to the computer today, i can only offer you some more Shads, basically all from the saturday issue of De Volkskrant.



2010-03-01 07:22:53

It’s cool in the Shad as always!

And my Goofness, that WalMart pic (“Always Low Prices” “$2.50”) looks like it was taken right here in one of ‘our’ Wally Worlds, folks and all…
WalMart, of course, being the grocery store with a McDonald’s (aka Mickey D’s) in it.

But never seen a Shad in either… Till above. :]

Enjoy that new computer!
