
FaceBook friends (part 5)

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

It seemed like a nice idea to make portraits of all my FaceBook friends, but at the moment i get more new FaceBook friends than i make drawings, so something has to happen to make me really draw all of them in 2011.
Here are some new drawings. Sorry for the ones that don’t ressemble the actual persons at all!


bas trimbach

2011-02-01 23:09:40

Ha, ha, sinds je die tekeningen maakt wil iedereen natuurlijk ineens vrienden met je worden!


2011-02-01 23:20:56

Valt mee, Bas. Tot nu toe maar eentje. Zit jij op FaceBook?


2011-02-02 23:16:13

Prachtige portretten weer, FR!TS