
Peter J. Muller

Sunday, 1 June 2008

Peter J. Muller was another one of the persons who played a main role in the magic scene in Holland in the sixties. I wrote about that scene a few times last month, but as you may have noticed, this blog is a chaos. The stories on certain topics are spread over months, they have no links, and the only way to read a complete story is to take a day off and work your way through the archive. Sorry for that!
Peter J. Muller was among many other things invlolved in the aking of Hitkrant/Aloha: the first Dutch magazine that addressed young people in theier own language and that talked openly about sex, drugs and rock&roll. After Hitweek/Aloha Peter J. Muller was responsible for several other interesting projects and publications, of which the porno magazine Candy was the most successful. But he also recorded some records.
Among his record output are two 45’s made in the mid-sixties. I don’t have these 45’s, but two of the four songs can be found on ”Biet Het part “. One of the songs is titled ”Beter langharig dan kortzichtig”. For those who cannot read Dutch: this means that it is better to be longhaired that short-sighted. The length of hair was a main cause of commotion in those days: people got send from schools because they refused to get their hair cut.
I don’t think that Peter J. Muller came up with this famous slogan, but it might be. It was very provocative in those days, but also funny enough to come away with, at least in most cases. Typically Peter J. Muller.
Here is the song:

A little later the Belgium protest singer Fabien Collin made a record in which he used the line ”better kortharig dan langdradig”. That is difficult to translate but very funny.


Peters son

2009-08-20 04:38:22

Not so difficult to translate
“better have short hair then be boring”


2013-04-28 00:39:54

Olá boa noite, eu tenho a revista
porno 1900.
gostaria de vende-la para um colecionador.
posso mandar as fotos da revista


2014-10-13 08:11:44

Peters son you are right it is not that difficult to translate, but you seem to be having some trouble with it.
“Beter lang haar dan kort zichtig” does not translate to “better have short hair then be boring”.
It should “better long hair then short sighted”.