
Star Trek

Saturday, 7 June 2008

This is the openingstrack of a CD that I bought the day before yesterday.
It is ”Symphonic Star Trek” by Erich Kunzel and the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra, and they play music of the motion pictures and television series of Star Trek. I liked to watch Star Trek when I still watched television, but I never stayed home to watch it.
My favourite Star Trek record is an LP with sound effects, but somehow I have accumulated more Star Trek music over the years than many people will know to exist. There is always more of anything, of course, and considering the popularity of Star Trek you can imagine that there must be hours and hours of Star Trek vinyl, tapes and CD’s. More about that later!
Here is another track from the Erich Kunzel and the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra, this one without Leonard Nimoy:

I have at least half a day music that was composed as a score to one of the many Star Trek series. I have no idea why I ever bought that; I never listen to it. I do like the Star Trek comics-with-records, of which I have a few. The voices are not those of the original actors, but the stories are quite good. This CD by Erich Kunzel and the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra is one of the best in my Star Trek collection. Not only because they picked all the main themes and other recognisable compositions, but also because they play sound effects in between the songs. And these SFX are not on the LP that I mentioned earlier. Here is the ”Alien probe”:

And here is the ”Nexus enrgy ribbon”:

On the back of the CD is a strange text: ”This recording was not created, approved, licensed, or endorsed by any entity involved in creating or producing the Star Trek television series or films.”
Maybe this should explain why the CD is so good?



2008-06-07 05:30:21

Hey Frits, where’s the info on “Stra Trek”? (Common typo, found 4,970 hits on google)