
Bockesprong mouse pads

Saturday, 1 May 2010

The couches for the new building of our daughter’s school have been delivered. About two weeks ago, right after the opening of the building. I made the designs, and although it was a lot more work than i intended to do, i am happy with the result:

The four corners in the design were cut out of the print. The company who made the couches ( Roofer) left one such piece in the school. Because there are eight couches made there must be 31 more of such pieces.

I took the piece home and made mouse pads of it:

I could make eight mousepads of the piece. On four of the mouse pads there is a white part, because this was not printed:

I could not resist drawing my spiderweb-ornaments on these mouse pads:

If the other 31 pieces show up i can make three mouse pads for every reader of this blog, but at the moment i can only sent one to the first four people who ask for it.
