
Fluitje van 'n cent

Sunday, 9 May 2010

The musical “fluitje van ‘n cent” was originally written for the Pro Juventute organisation of Arnhem. Annie M.G.Schmidt wrote the texts and Cor Lemaire the music. The voices were done by Henk Janmaat and De Damrakkertjes. The musical was released by Pro Juventute as a 45 with a beautiful booklet illustrated by Fiep Westerdorp:

Here are some of the illustrations:

Later the musical was re-made with Piet Romer as de schillenman in stead of Henk Janmaat. And Fiep Westerdorp made complete new illustrations for the booklet that came with the record that Ring Records released:

Our children know this musical very well because we have the CD version of the musical, featuring Piet Romer. I also have the record, but i found the Pro Juventute edition only after our children had no longer any interest in this great musical. What surprises me is that the original version wasn’t used for the “official”” release. Piet Romer did a great job, no doubt about that, but so did Henk Janmaat. And why made Fiep Westerdorp all those new drawings?! I don’t mind, because i cannot get enough of her work, but i find it strange.
Here is an excerpt of the original musical:


Pieter M. Dorrenboom

2010-05-10 11:48:29

“fluitje van ‘n cent” was vroeger een van mijn favoriete kinderplaten. Nooit beseft dat er een remake van gemaakt is!
Ik heb nu een lichte voorkeur voor Fiep’s oudere werk ( die versie die nu in mij platenkast staat), maar het kan heel goed zijn dat ik als kind de latere versie in mijn bezit had, bedenk ik me nu. Weer wat wijzer geworden!