

Thursday, 20 May 2010

I cut out all kind of articles from newspapers and magazines, but often it takes a while before i try to find out more about that person or subject. Of course, with the Internet this all has become so much easier than ten years ago, when you were happy to get an Xth generation zerox of something that you wished to see or read. I still have lots of these zeroxes, because i have not found time to check if the information is indeed already on the Internet. Probably it all is, but one can never be careless in this business.
Here is a newspaper reproductionof a painting by Anselm Kiefer. I loved it on first sight, but tonight i finally saw other works of Anselm Kiefer online. Some were great, but none was as impressive as this one:

This is a picture of a Spanish village that was deserted for years untill a group of artists started to live there. It is a picture of a place where i would love to live:

This is a scan made in Calais. If you look close, you ca see humans in the van; they tried to get into the country without a passport. Somehow i find this a very unsettling picture:

Many searches lead me to YouTube videos. Here is a movie about Henk Gosse, a man fascinated by robots, who died in 2006. I was actually looking for info on the robots that he build himself, but these videos are all i found:

Maybe the best thing that the Internet did for me was showing me proof that many claims of paranormal phenomena are frauds or hoaxes. I just read this site about Ted Serios, a man who claimed to be able to make photographs by the power of his mind. As a kid i was fascinated by this idea, because it seemed not impossible to me. Just like telekinesis seem not impossible to me. But i no longer believe that anybody can do such things.

Here is a video of a trailer for an animation movie that was never made. It is done by Jiri Barta. I don’t know anything about animation, but Hisko Hulsing placed a link on Facebook:

I love the books by Gustav Meijerink and i re-read “The Golem” every few years. His other books are also very fascinating. In an biography i read that he has written many articles on occult subjects for various magazines. These were never published in a book, as far as i know. But i would love to read them. So, if anybody knows where to find these…

This is a picture of an installation by De Buffet from 1950:

It reminded me immediately of the images that i try to make from newspapere pictures. But this is in 3D! An image like this can cause a mind shift that lasts for hours.

I could not resist making another attempt to make something out of the Karel Appel drawing that i mentioned a few days a go. This is definitely the last time i bother you with this :



2010-05-21 08:28:25

Hee Frits,

You can walk around in a Buffet installation in the Kröller-Muller Museum: Jardin d‘émail

In the winter it was closed, but I think you’re allowed inside in the summertime.


2012-03-11 11:22:29

Share my work.


Ancient egypt on.


2012-03-11 11:26:06

Share my work.


Ancient egypt on.