Saturday, 25 October 2008
When I was twelve I had many extremely vivid dreams about UFO’s. I was fascinated by the idea of extra-terrestrials and had read about UFO’s. I don’t know how long this dream-period lasted, but longer than a year for sure. What was strange about these dreams, are two things:
First: the UFO’s in my dreams looked completely different from any UFO that I have ever seen in movies or magazines. I often wonder how did my mind make this up? The UFO’s in my dreams looked more like a carnival-in-the-sky than like spacecrafts. And there were always ton loads of them, as if a complete extra-terrestrial spacecraft museum was sent to Earth.
Second: these dreams were very difficult to distinguish from my ordinary memories. In fact, whenever I remembered these dreams, they seemed to have happened in my ordinary life. That puzzled me, and sometimes I wondered if it were more than memories of dreams. Only much later I realised that many other people had the same, or even more, difficulties, separating their (memories of) dreams from real events.
I have tried several times to make a drawing from what I have seen in this dreams, but I can’t. Not only because of a lack of artistic talents, but also because these dreams were complex. They were very much like movies, with camera shots from impossible angles, and SFX, and very emotional.
In the past few years I have become interested in DMT, a chemical substance that can be found in many living organisms, including our own body. The chemical formula is said to be very simular to that of serotonin, a neuro-transmitter. The exact workings of DMT are not clear, but it seems to play a role in dreaming. Some say that DMT opens us up to other realities. This idea is based on the presumption that there exist various realities or dimensions, and that we simultaneously live in more than the one that we are aware of under normal circumstances. I don’t know, but I think that the power of the mind is underestimated here. I think that our mind has the power to imagine other realities: that is what we do every night. And maybe, when we no longer have a body that connects us with this shared reality, which we call “Life-on-earth”, we live on in our own imagination, in a land of our dreams. I have written about this before: I would not be surprised that when I die, it turned out that my life her&now was only a very short excursion from my own private reality, my private world. That private reality is now only partly accessible in dreams, but I can imagine that is the eternal realm where I exist in my true form.
Today I saw a video on YouTube that I found very funny, but it also reminded me of me childhood UFO dreams. The casualty of the UFO’s was definitely an essential aspect of my dreams.
2008-10-27 12:16:24
I don’t believe in this duality of the mind and the body. I take the body-and-mind-are-one principle very liturally. I think our brain (or I should say “we” because we ARE our brain.) tries to make sense of everything what’s happening inside while we dream. Memories, fantasies, neuroses, etc… have to be molded into something logical. We’re not allways succesfull. That’s why we can dream things like being in Antwerp and Amsterdam simultaneously. I would be surprised if there would be any life at all after death. And if there is it can’t be anything we can imagine right now. At least I hope not. Anything I can imagine would be sheer hell if I think the consequences through. Eternal life would quickly turn into eternal boredom. For me that’s the meaning of death and that’s what makes life so valuable to me: the fact that it doesn’t last. That every second is unique and will never return.