
Prato Chinese

Monday, 10 August 2009

Our son bought some plastic Chinese plates, that are used for juggling. They came with a package that caught my eye:

For the alphabets that I make, I use no examples, I only use my imagination, and of course my memory. But I liked these pseudo Chinese letters so much that I decided to complete the alphabet:

Because I only had 11 letters, my version of this alphabet is probably different from the original alphabet. If that exists! It will be difficult to find this out.
About two years ago Ger van Wulften said that he wanted to publish a book of my alphabets. That never happened. One reason was probably that he (and neither I) knew how to present the alphabets. My black and white versions are not very attractive; it doesn’t work if you just cram 200 of these alphabets in a book. Something has to be done with them, some upgrading, but what?
My brother Rudi surprised me a few days ago with something that he made of one the alphabets:

I really like this and I asked Rudi if he would want to do something similar to a few other alphabets, so that I can show these pages to Ger or an other publisher, hoping that they want to make a book of the material. Rudi said yes and so no I have another project at hand. To be continued!
