
Wunder Tute

Sunday, 16 August 2009

My love is from Dusseldorf, Germany. That is how I learned of a German phenomenon called ”Wunder Tute”. It is a paper bag with all kind of small surprises, that you can buy in many shops for children of all ages. Of course, most of the surprises are cheap toys and candy, but the concept is great. There are also Wunder Tute for grown ups.
I first saw the Wunder Tute 25 years ago, and wondered ever since why we don’t have them in Holland.

And why not make Wonder Boxes? There is so much stuff that cannot be sold in shops for all kind of reasons, I can imagine that with a little effort this could be marketed quite well. Surplus stock, premiums, new products… there is so much stuff that you could put in a Wunder Tute/Box.
I often thought of making a monthly Wunder Tute myself, just for friends. I know so many people who produce things that would be perfect for such a project. Of course, it will be expensive to send all the stuff hence and forth over the mail, but one could set a limit to the size and weight of the contributions.
A large part of the attraction of a Wunder Tute is the expectation that there might be something real great in it. The fact that this so far never has been so doesn’t stop me from hoping that the next time will be better. Neither do our kids. And nobody is ever disappointed, because you know on forehand that you buy a pile of shit. Man, what a great concept.



2009-08-17 11:25:29

Wij hebben ook Wundertutes, in ieder geval een keer per jaar. Bij ons heten ze kerstpakketten…

Janice Bennett

2015-02-10 20:55:39

I too got the Wunder Tute when I was a young girl living in Germany. There were two kinds. I don’t remember the other brand name or what came in it, candy and collectors cards I think, but the other one had cowboys and Indians and teepees and forts and fire pits and an Indian Princess. We kept buying them and making our set larger and larger and we played with them for hours, my sister and I. And it came with some edible food kind of like puffed rice. LOL