

Monday, 8 December 2008

I have called my writing experiment ”Kladblog”. It is half inDutch half in English, so this name fits the content. The content is a mixture between a diary, letters, a scrapbook, an archive and a notebook. Well, it is an attempt to be that. Or to become that in the end. It basically still is an experiment.

If you want to see more, check here.
Last week I bought a pile of nice exotic soul records, including some LP’s. As you know, most exotic soul comes from 45’s, so these LP’s made me very happy. Like this record by The Gramacks:

The LP was released on Scramble, but manufactured and distributed by Dureco. I have never seen this LP before, nor have I heard of The Gramacks! I have no idea from what country they are; it is nowhere mentioned on the LP.
The music of The Gramacks is a mix of reggae, calypso and soul. Here is an example, ”Mon chaud”:





2009-09-29 07:56:54

esse lp é massa!!!


2009-09-29 07:57:54

esse lp é massa!!!

Don Julian

2010-12-12 21:44:12

De Gramacks kwamen uit Guadeloupe of Martinique in de Cariben. Ze speelden olv. Jeff Thomas vnl. Cadence in de jaren ’70 en Zouk vanaf de 80-er jaren. Dit is volgens mij hun bekendste lp in Holland. Ik heb ‘m al sinds 1977. Ze spelen en toeren geloof ik nog steeds in een nieuwe bezetting.
Hoop dat je er iets aan hebt.
Don Julian


2010-12-12 21:57:22

Hallo Don Julian. Bedankt voor je reactie! Leuk als ze nog steeds bestaan. Maar die outfit zullen waarschijnlijk niet meer dragen…

Don Julian

2010-12-25 14:57:36

Nee, dat denk ik ook niet.
Ze komen trouwens van Dominica ipv Guadeloupe(legt in de buurt…)