
Yin&Yang attack

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

My Kladblog project is beginning to work. In fact, I enjoy writing it so much that I am seriously thinking about ending this Soundtrack. I want to do what I like most and right now there is no doubt about what that is at this moment.
I just had another Yin&Yang attack. It was caused by John, who send me a link to this site, where the origin of the symbol is explained. I always wondered about where the symbol came from, and this explanation seems pretty final to me.
I was a bit sick for the past days, but not sick enough to stay in bed. So I started making some drawings inspired on the Yin&Yang symbol and by what John send me.

Basically I just use the people that I write to as a source of inspiration. And that works. I still feel a bit uncomfortable about the idea that I do it all for myself. I mean, this is no real correspondence, it is one big ego-trip.
To my surprise I found that the band Love & Rockets has made a song called ”Yin & Yang and the flowerpot man”:

But the lyrics of their song ”Kundalini express” are actually more in sync with the Yin&Yang symbol:




2008-12-16 23:46:34

You don’t have to feel uncomfortable, you’re just being honest about it.


2008-12-17 00:03:19

You don’t have to feel uncomfortable, you’re just being honest about it.


2008-12-17 03:20:57

I love the Tin & Tang one.