Boy ten Hove
Friday, 18 December 2009
Some while ago I bought a scrapbook with newspaper clippings on jazz. It was from the early fifties and a mishmash of reviews, articles and pictures from magazines.
I bought it because there was some info on Dutch musicians in it too, and I hoped to find some info on Laguestra. That was not the case. I enjoyed reading the book, but none of it was really my cup of tea, so I wondered what to do with it. I wanted at least to write something about it in my paperzine. I decided to write about the drawings that were in the scrapbook:
Dolf Hell immediately send me a mail in which he told me the name of the illustrator that I liked best: Boy ten Hove.
Dolf even bought me the book that Ate van Delden has published about this man, including all his cartoons of jazz musicians, as far as they could be found.
Boy ten Hove, who died in 1969, did lots of illustrations and comics for various magazines. You can see some of it here. But it are his portraits of jazz musicians that stand out. In fact, I think they are amazing, especially when you consider the fact that this was done in the period 10935-1940. Boy probably had to make the illustrations from only one or two pictures.
All the original artwork is gone and it is unclear how any jazz musicians Boy ten Hove has drawn. In the book there are some 100 of his drawings reproduced from magazines. And boy, are they good!
The drawings are placed in alphabetical order. Here are the drawings from musicians whose names start with a āCā:
Cab Calloway:
Benny Carter
Charlie Christian:
Bill Coleman:
Shad Collins:
And here is a great video of Cab Calloway:
And while I am at it, here is a great video on the history of the moonwalk:
Jan ten Hove
2011-11-19 20:14:04
Hello, you were surprised to find this knipselboek en I was very surprised to find this webside.
I am the son of Boy ten Hove, living in Hungary now. Please write me.
2011-11-20 21:11:48
hello, Jan told me of this page. I am his sister and a daughter of Boy ten Hove.
Bertie ten Hove
2012-12-12 12:07:18
Hi, I’m Barend (Boy) ten Hove’s youngest daughter. Yes, his illustrations are amazingly good! I’m still very proud that he was my father. On the walls in my house I’ve various work of him.
Luc Donders
2013-01-27 12:34:54
Ik zou graag eens een blik willen werpen op al het werk van B. ten Hope, vooral op het illustratie- en stripwerk en daarvan een overzicht maken! Een zeer onderschat tekenaar!!!
Zoon of dochter, please mail me!?
2013-01-29 14:44:00
Ik zou u graag helpen, maar in mijn bezit is slechts 1 werk van mijn vader. Over het illustratiewerk kan ik u niet meer vertellen dan op internet staat. Misschien dat de andere, nog in leven zijnde kinderen u meer kunnen vertellen.
Luc Donders
2013-01-29 14:56:29
Geachte Thea,
In ieder geval bedankt voor uw reactie. Ik heb veel tijdschriften uit de jaren ’20/‘30 en ’40 in mijn bezit en zou graag een exact overzicht van zijn werk willen maken..
Felix van der Laken
2015-07-06 16:58:17
Ik kocht voor een habbekrats een nieuw exemplaar van van Delden’s boek en ben de zoveelste die van zijn stoel viel bij eerste kennisneming van dit tekengenie. Mijn advies aan de familie: volg het spoor verder in Amerika!
2017-03-05 16:37:03
I’m the owner of two original cartoons by Boy. From the theaterduo Snip&Snap.
Same style as the jazzcartoons
Bertie ten Hove
2017-03-06 09:39:37
Wow, didn’t know my father made a cartoon of that duo. Very nice!
2009-12-21 17:34:06
fantastic drawings!