

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Last Sunday Tineke & Erk invited me to go to a concert of the band Staff Bend Bilili. They are from Kinshasa and have lived their lifes on the streets, until a few months ago, when a Belgium producer recorded a CD with them. They are now touring Europe. Most of the band members are in wheelchairs and they use cheap and self made instruments.
The concert felt like an African version of an early James Brown show. They also made me think of The Specials.

Here is what was written about the concert in De Volkskrant:

Before the concert there was a video about the music scene in Kinshasa. The story was centred around an impressive bandleader called Jupiter. He is the Bob Marley of Kinshasa and looked very much like a heron:

It is definitely worth to see that documentary, called “Jupiter’s dance”. The guy is quite a character, with a great repertoire of original one-liners.

And on 3voor12 is some real information on Staff Benda Bilili..



2009-12-05 21:07:53

Hoera voor Tineke en Erk!!