
Duo Eureka

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Harry Berkhout ( Flesch records ) usually has a pile of records set aside for me when I come to visit him. Today he surprised me with this 45:

Not showing too much excitement when he played this record (at the wrong speed) over the speakers in the shop, he probably doubled the price immediately. So I had to pay 10 euro for this record. Here is one of the six tunes:

And believe it or not, he had another (mint) copy of the very same record. So, if you happen to feel an unstoppable urge to own this 45…


bas trimbach

2010-04-11 21:39:00

Ha ha!
Is tien euro niet wat veel?
Ik heb het singletje ook maar meer dan één euro zal ik er niet voor betaald hebben!
Maar er zijn dus minstens drie exemplaren van gemaakt!