
Ping pong 1

Thursday, 25 June 2009

The musical ping pong game with Red Bol is almost finished. I wasn’t home a lot last week, so I often had to search and record songs late at night. But I didn’t mind missing a few hours of sleep at all. In fact, I already miss the game. So far only Jan wanted to play a game with me. Ain’t that strange: there are thousands and thousands of people reading this blog, all with massive record collections, and here is finally a chance to do something creative with that collection, and only one person grabs this chance.
Of course, after reading this it will be difficult to accept my earlier invitation to play a game of musical pingpong with me, so I will not ask again if there is anybody who wants to ping pong with me. Not that I don’t want to play a few more games, but I will not ask it. If anybody needs more hints, just ask!
