
Holland homoland

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

I am still working on a compilation of Dutch homo songs. I have no idea if any record label will be interested in relasing this CD, but if you have any tips, pleaselet me know.
Here is a song by Tedje & De Flikkers:

I don’t have the LP that this band made in the late seventies. I did have a cassette tape of the LP, but that has died long time ago. All I have is the LP ”Uitholling overdwars”, that was released by Stichting Popmuziek in 1979.

The ten songs on this LP are all good.

”Aage M.” by Jong Oranje, ”Kees” by Johnny Jumbo and the Highjackers, and even the songs of bands that became famous later are good. Doe Maar, Noodweer, Ivy Green*… Hm, I think this is one of the best Dutch music sampler LP’s that were ever made! *Tedje & De Flikkers are the only homo band on this LP, the rest is pretty straight. Nothing wrong with that, as long as they say it like Ivy Green does:



Alfred Boland

2009-03-03 03:38:50

inderdaad, legendarisch deze LP, ik denk dat ik elk nummer nu nog letterlijk mee kan zingen. Wat betreft Tedje & De Flikkers: alsof de duivel ermee speelde kwam altijd nét op het moment dat dit nummer op stond mijn vader of moeder mijn kamer op. Tot mijn grote verlegenheid.