

Sunday, 8 March 2009

In 1999 I had a sever art attack, that among many things resulted in a series of ten mandala-like drawings, which I called ”labyrinths”. I asked Jack if he could make a colour version of one of the drawings, so that I could show this together with the other balck & white drawings to publishers, in the hope that one would be interested in making postcards of them. If so, all ten of them had to be made in colour.
I was very enthusiast over what Jack made out of my black & white drawing:

I cannot find the other labyrinth-drawings right now, but I will show these another time. They never were published as postcards, by the way.
The suicide of jack is a strange motivation for me. I am sad and angry, but most of all I am motivated to live my own life up to the very limit. I don’t know exactly what made Jack jump in front of a train, but it must be some fear to live. I will do my utmost best to never ever give way to any fear that I have.

Here is a video of one of my heroes, who also died recently. I was at this concert. ”Tear it up!”, yes indeed!



2009-03-08 14:33:02

Carpe Diem! Het motto van Hakuna Matata is zo slecht nog niet. Je leeft maar zo kort en je bent zo lang dood.
Ook wij waren in de half gevulde JE hal, ik kan me dit nummer nog goed herinneren juist door de klimactie.