Thursday, 5 March 2009
I was born in 1959. My father had a job at a grocery store and later owned one himself, and my youth was filled with all the goodies that were given away with various products.
My parents didn’t care much for stuff, so everything has been thrown away long time ago; we moves to Amsterdam when I was ten, and there is nothing left off the period before that. Except in my memories, of course.
After I mentioned the M-Briagdiers yesterday, I did a little Google search. To my surprise I found out that this campaign was from the late fifties and early sixties. As a child I had some of the M-Brigadiers stuff ( I even remember a passport!), but that is strange, because I was only two or three years old when this campaign was organised. I guess that my parents had organised this for me? Or is this another false memory?
After the M-Brigadiers came Joris Driepinter. The ads in the Donald Duck magazine, and probably other magazines, made a great impression on me. I never liked milk, but I sure liked Joris Driepinter.
It is amazing how little I could find on the Interenet of all the milk campaigns. I mean, both the M-Brigadiers and the Joris Driepinter campaigns were huge, and hundreds of thousands of kids grew up with them.
As far as I know there has never a Joris Driepinter record been made. I vaguely remember animated television ads in which a voice-over spoke in rhyme. But I do not remember any tune or song.
I have three advertisement records for milk. One is the “M-Brigadiers mars”, one is a 45 with jokes told by Max Tailleur, and the third is a doublesided flexi record:
This flexi record contains one contest, by which M-Brigadiers could win an invitation for the M-Dag in the Expo-hallen in Hilversum in 1964, and two songs: De milkshake twist, by unknown artists, and Everybody likes milk, sung by Donald Jones; his name is nowhere mentioned, but his voice is easy to recognise.
2011-02-02 11:03:06
Hallo Frits,
De links naar The Milkshake Twist and Everybody Likes Milk werken helaas niet. Je zou me een enorm plezier doen als je de bestanden weer kunt neerzetten. Mailen kan natuurlijk ook. Alvast hartelijk bedankt. Leuke site!
Vriendelijke groet,
2011-02-02 11:20:36
Ik heb muziek op deze bladzijde weer geactiveerd. Bedankt voor het compliment!
Jan Turkenburg
2020-11-20 14:45:44
Op Sheena’s Jungle Room WFMU is het deze maand “milk month” Dondald Jones had ik al, maar wat fijn de link naar de milkshake twist nog steeds werkt. Ik ga hem woensdag draaien!
2011-02-02 11:02:10
Hallo Frits,
De links naar The Milkshake Twist and Everybody Likes Milk werken helaas niet. Je zou me een enorm plezier doen als je de bestanden weer kunt neerzetten. Mailen kan natuurlijk ook. Alvast hartelijk bedankt. Leuke site!
Vriendelijke groet,