
Strijd der planeten

Sunday, 29 March 2009

After what I wrote the day before yesterday, I wanted to come up with something nice. And because I recently bought slightly better copies of the two Dutch “Strijd der Planeten” LP’s (both are somewhere in the region between ”not very good” and ”pretty lousy”, but I am happy to have these LP’s!), I wanted to share them with you.
But when I did a Google search I found out that this is already done. Here is a fansite, where you can find all the information you want, and also mp3’s of the four stories on the two LP’s. And here is a YouTube video of the intro:

So, I will try to come up with something better tomorrow.



2009-03-30 02:58:28

Ah, dus ik heb ze zelf onlangs ook voor niets gekocht ;-)