

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

As a soccer player I walked the same grass as the brother of Karel Appel. This must be at least 20 years ago, when mister Appel was referee in Amsterdam. I cannot remember that he ever was referee in a game for our team, but I do remember seeing him walking in the field. He was regarded a bit of an oddball and I remember that he walked as if he had a small handicap of some kind. Back then I had little to no interest in the art of his brother, but much later I realised that this is what Amsterdam is all about. And soccer. Karel Appel may be famous, but he has brother who was a referee for amateur soccer teams, and all he got was a cup of coffee and a lot of critique.

I was reminded of this when I stumbled upon Ubuweb, where I saw some great films, like the movie that Ed van der Elsken made of Karel Appel.

Here is a direct link. Part of the soundtrack of this music was used on the LP compilation ”Waterpipes and dykes”. For a long time his LP “Musique barbare” has been on my virtual want list, so i was very happy to discover that the LP is on Ubuweb. And so much more art related music! I downladed enough for one mp3 CD, but that is not a fraction of what there is to be heard.

I wonder how the copyrights are dealt with on this site. These sounds, interviews and music are of course not of interest for the organisations that make money out of music, but for people like me, this is an incredible treasure trove. For example: even the Salvador Dali record is in the archive.

And here are some other movies on Ubuweb that may be worth your attention:
Ken Nordine

Danse serpentine

Sun Ra

Of course, I have not 1% of what is offered on Ubuweb, so if anybody has any tips, I would certainly not mind getting them.
