
Bas Brult

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

I cannot remember how I got into contact with Bas Trimbach, but I do know that we have been trading tapes and CD’s for quite a while. He is one of the very few people, that I know, who are collecting more or less the same kind of records as I do. And Bas writes about it too, in a blog called Bas brult.
Last week I got I book with 38 stories that Bas has published in his blog, but now with many more full colour illustrations in high resolution. And the book itself is very beautiful:

I wish I could show you the whole book. But the texts would be unreadable, and that was never the idea behind this publication, so I only show you one story that you can read (if you speak Dutch). I have cut up the design to make it readable on a screen.

And here is how a typical spread in the book looks:

In the cover of the book, which probably has a cirsulation of three copies (!!!) is also a CD. Mainly advertisement records, but also a Calibre Auto Recording record.

I have not written about these one-of-one records for a long time, but when I heard this, I felt a deep urge to dive into this fascinating audio area again.

