Monday, 26 January 2009
Today I got asked to write a column for CFK, a cult-zine in Breda. Marthy Coumans is the new editor, so that explains why I am asked. The theme for the new issue is Time Travel, so that is cool. I don’t get paid, but there is a yearly diner for all the contributors of the zine. “But I must warn you for the heavy abuse of alcohol on those evenings”, said Marthy.
A few times per month I get asked to do or make something, but in many cases things don’t work out as I hope for. I just cleaned up the hard disc of my computer and saw some articles and sketches that were never used. Not always because my work wasn’t good enough, although that is of course the main reason why work doesn’t get published. But also because the publication is stopped, the person who asked me gets fired, or for some other reason.
Here is a design for a weekly guest column in the magazine Beyond. I cut out all the portraits of the previous issue, and for the next issue I would have done the same with the portraits of the new issue, etcetera. The idea was not welcomed with great enthusiasm, and the magazine ceased to exist after four issues anyway, so this is a typical example of how things go in the area that I operate in.
Here is logo for the website BurnXtv:
Jack Keuss made a beautiful colour version of this logo, but as far as I know I it was used.
This is the logo I made for the new edition of the comic magazine Eppo:
I saw in the newspaper that they decided to use another logo. But nobody has told me that. Neither did I get an invitation for the openings party in Paradiso next week. I don’t even get angry anymore when things like this happen, because it is no exception, but that doesn’t make it good.
Luckily there are also people in this business that treat me very well. This was not a random choice.
Here is a video of the Slovenian band Cry baby, with Louwrens on guitar.
I discovered this video by accident, when i wanted to watch Johnny Depp singing in the John Waters movie “Cry baby”
The music in this movie is so great! The whole movie too, of course. But rockabilly is rare in Hollywood movies, and John Waters had his heart beating in the right place.
2009-01-27 00:55:49
“I don’t even get angry anymore when things like this happen, because it is no exception, but that doesn’t make it good.”
Unbelievable indeed!! but it’s true, what you say. I promised myself not to get angry anymore as well, when things like this happen, because I’ll only harm myself…