

Thursday, 15 January 2009

Ruud Hulleman just started a daily blog: Talblog. As a fan of his work, I immediately took a subscription, and so far the blog has been updated daily with great stuff. If you have an interest in the strange universe that Ruud Hulleman inhabits, check it out.
He has been posting lots of old artwork, comics, photo’s, videos and stuff that he recorded from radio. He has a massive collection, and I already know quite a bit of it, but somehow blogs are the best way to publish your stuff for people like us.
Recenty Ruud finished a comic that he did with Peter Pontiac. Of course, it is on his blog. But I downloaded it:

In the late seventies and early eighties Ruud formed an electro punk band with Coen. I am the lucky owner of a CD with some of their home made demo recordings, but they also spend some time in the studio of Clous van Mechelen, recording two songs for a 45, that was supposed to be released in 1984. That never happened, but here is their hit song, ”White boys”:

Read Talblog for more!



2009-01-15 14:25:58

Jesus, I got struck by 4 pages Pontiac!