
Movie finds

Saturday, 24 January 2009

I promised (here ) to show you some of the stuff that I found on the street long time ago. Here is a page from the diary:

And here are four movie stills:

The diary is incomplete, sad and not very interesting. And the 40 stills don’t seem very exciting to me either. As often, I first thought about trying to sell the stuff, but do I really want to make money on stuff like this? Maybe I should throw it all away.
To cheer you and myself up a bit, is here a great exotic soul record that I got from Rene Westerveen:




2009-01-25 13:48:39

Throw it all away? You must be joking.


2009-01-26 01:43:07

Je kunt het simpelweg dumpen bij het filmmuseum. Wellicht zit er een still bij die ze nog niet hebben.

De nonchalance die spreekt uit zijn dagboek is niet echt sympatiek zeg. Echt geil werd ik er ook niet van.