Friday, 30 January 2009
I have a painting job that will keep me fulltime busy for at least eight weeks. It will be one of the biggest painting jobs I have ever done. But I don’t have that much work, so I gladly accepted it. It is a really great job: two stories in a beautiful large old house, that have to be made as new. I know the people who asked me from earlier jobs, so that helps: they asked me because they trust me and because they like my work. But working fulltime for eight weeks means that I have not much time left for other things. I wonder what will happen to this blog: on my priority list it is below my family, close friends and soccer playing. We’ll see. I never expected to be able to write a story 365 days a year for the rest of my life anyhow (although I will do my best to try it), so maybe this period will be a breaking point.
I love to paint. To be in an empty house, with no music, no company, and just working all day is in fact an ideal situation for me. During previous jobs I began to feel guilty towards to my wife and our children after a few weeks, because they are get to see me so much less than they are used to, and because my love has to many things alone. She never complains, and neither do our children, but working so much is not the ideal situation for them. But we can use the money; that is the main reason why I do it. We cannot live from al the little jobs that I do. I need to do at least three or four real large painting jobs each year.
You may not be interested in all this, but I wanted to tell it anyway, in case I might not be able to come up with a daily story on of these days.
Here is a Dutch picture paper flexi record that John Koenmans gave me:
It is not a genuine advertisement record, at least not according to my own definitions, but man, this is the stuff that makes my heart jump with joy.
There is no information on the record other than a stamp on the back:
So, all I know is that it is a Sonocard. And this is what is on it:
I have never heard this song before. It seems as if it specially made for the Vierdaagse in Nijmegen. But by whom? And when? And who are the musicians?
2009-01-30 05:39:09
Wait a second. It’s not the same picture. I guess you could your custom photo printed on each flexi. So each copy has a different picture. But it is the same recording.
2009-01-30 11:29:14
Nou, als dat inderdaad klopt, is dat een interessante ontdekking: ik heb nog nooit gehoord dat die plaatjes in een oplage van één met een eigen foto werden gemaakt! Zou kunnen, maar ik kan het me haast niet voorstellen. Gaan we uitzoeken!
2009-01-30 05:36:47
,,Die foto dateert uit 1962….Terwijl wij de Vierdaagse liepen, sloot zich op een gegeven moment een knap meisje bij ons aan. Ze kwam naast me lopen. Later bleek dat dit Ria Lodders was, die dat jaar tot Miss Holland was gekroond en het zelfs Miss World schopte. Enkele jaren later trouwde ze met de Amerikaanse twistkoning Chubby Checker. Het plaatje is opgenomen door The Hi Five en gaat over Mooie Marian, die wordt opgeroepen om mee te gaan lopen met de Vierdaagse.