
Andre van Duin minifoon

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

At the record & CD fair, some weeks ago in Utrecht, I met Roy Boessen. He is a collector of everything that has anything to do with Andre van Duin. Now I know that Andre van Duin has made a handrecordplayer in the seventies, also known as a Minifoon. So I asked Roy if he had this, eh, record (which he did) and if would like to make scans and a recording of it for me (which he did too).
In case you don’t know what a Minifoon is: it is a piece of folded paper that you can fold in a way that the little needle, that is attached to one side of the paper, can be placed on a little flexi record, that is attached to the other side of the paper. By making the record rotate with your finger, the sound is amplified by the paper fold. I think this is one of the best gimmicks within the field of records. (Check here and there, if you haven’t already.)
Here are the photo’s scans that Roy made:

And here is what Roy recorded on a cassette tape:




2011-05-26 08:42:24

Zojuist heb ik het artikel gelezen over de hittiptroeteltreiteralarmelpee van André van Duin. Het plaatje dat je met de hand moet ronddraaien. Ik ken de single en ben groot fan van André van DUin. Helaas werkt het geluidsfragment bij het artikel niet (meer). Is het mogelijk dat ik deze kan beluisteren op de website of dat ik het fragment krijg toegezonden?

Alvast bedankt.

Groeten, Dennis


2011-05-26 15:29:21

Dennis, het geluid is er weer!


2011-05-27 18:22:14

Helemaal super. Leuk om te horen.


2023-06-05 18:39:36

Bedankt Frits!