
Dutch exotica

Sunday, 24 May 2009

Today I found a copy of a CD in my P.O. box that will be released on the 14th of June in Tiki’s, (Hartmanstraat 16a, Rotterdam, 15.00-19.00). The Dutch Exotica CD is finally ready!

If you go here, you’ll find all the info you need, and soundbites of all the 26 tracks on this pretty amazing compilation. I already knew that there was more exotic music made in Holland in the sixties, but the Black Market Audio team has dug up some great surprises. And it fits perfectly together; much better than many of the American compilations.
I count on a second volume before the end of this year.



2009-05-24 13:14:53

This must also be the first ever CD that mentions both Frits AND me in the booklet!


2009-05-24 13:32:51

Terrific cover!


2011-06-13 22:39:03

Hey does someone has a link for download this cd?
i’ve been looking for it since a few months ago but i couldn’t find anything i would like to listen it
thanks :)


2011-06-13 22:48:03

Gaby, you haven’t looked hard enough: the cd is still available at and various other online stores.