The Spoken Newspaper
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
I have at least three times done a pile of these records away, but Cosmic Control Center seems to have plans for me with these records. This time six of them returned into our home in one of Dirk Koorn’s bags.
”The spoken newspaper” is a 33rpm record series produced in the early sixties by Eiler & Schunemann in Bremen, Germany. But the ones that I have seen all were sent from an address (Prinsenpark 2) in The Hague, Holland. And on the envelop it reads ”De sprekende krant”. Sometimes there are actual newspapers in the envelopes, with the same articles as read on the records. These articles are usually on very British topics: Christmas carols, St James Cathedral, London police horses, etcetera, all read or told by a man and a woman with an accent that begs for being sampled in a hardcore hiphop record.
There are at least two different envelopes:
But the records themselves look all the same, except for the numbers:
The reason why I have been trying not to collect these records is that they take up to much space. I have no idea how many there were made, but the numbers ( up to 372!) seem to indicate that it is at least a meter. I prefer that somebody else did this job and send me an mp3 CD of his collection.
Of course, I not only want an mp3 CD of the complete collection. I also want a booklet with a long and detailed article on the project, biographies of the makers, exact figures on the circulation, profits, etcetera. All neatly designed by Piet Schreuders, if possible.
Here is a random story from one of the Spoken Newspaper records:
Barend Maaskant
2009-06-26 10:31:53
Vanochtend kocht ik ‘The spoken newspaper’ nr 389 A/B
Ik heb geen pickup bij de hand. Stuur me een email en ik stuur je asap eem mp3.
Heb je toevallig al meer info?
Ik heb mijn emailadres niet direct opgegeven, ik weet niet of het o je site gepubliceert wordt.
2009-06-28 13:10:05
I think the idea of spoken newspaper is very important to learn english
Barend Maaskant
2009-06-26 10:31:24
Vanochtend kocht ik ‘The spoken newspaper’ nr 389 A/B
Ik heb geen pickup bij de hand. Stuur me een email en ik stuur je asap eem mp3.
Heb je toevallig al meer info?
Ik heb mijn emailadres niet direct opgegeven, ik weet niet of het o je site gepubliceert wordt.